What are the dangers of pigeon droppings?

Feral pigeon droppings can pose a real danger to the public, employees and the general safety of people who come into contact with the faeces.

As well as the public health issues relating to bird guano, feral pigeon droppings are also acidic and will corrode and erode metals, stonework and brickwork. This can cause untold damage to buildings and structures, costing thousands to repair. 

Without pigeon deterrents being put in place, these problems and dangers to health caused by pigeon droppings will simply return. Instigating a pigeon pest control programme, not only humanely removes the problem pigeons but ensures a healthier environment and lower maintenance bills.

What health problems are associated with pigeon droppings?

Pigeons are well known to carry and transmit some dangerous diseases, which can infect a person by breathing in the dust from dry pigeon droppings or water droplets containing contaminated bird droppings.

Whilst the risk of pigeon-related diseases is rare to a healthy person, the people most at risk from these diseases are anyone who may have a compromised immune system.

  1. Cryptococcosis

    Cryptococcosis in an infection of the lungs accompanied with the most common symptom of a cough. Although in severe cases, Cryptococcal meningitis is caused by the fungus Cryptococcus after it spreads from the lungs to the brain.

  2. Histoplasmosis

    Histoplasmosis is an infection caused by a fungus called Histoplasma. This fungus lives in bird droppings. It can cause an infection which appears between 3 and 17 days after a person breathes in the fungal spores. Symptoms include a fever, cough, fatigue, headache and chest pain.

  3. Psittacosis

    Psittacosis is a rare infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia psittaci. It can cause a mild flu-like illness and pneumonia, usually appearing five to 19 days after exposure.

  4. E.coli and Salmonella

    E.coli and salmonella may also be present in some pigeon droppings. It is a bacterial infection that can cause significant diarrhoea and can be passed through their droppings and into our food or water supplies.

Can you safely remove pigeon droppings? 

Guano clean before peterborough hospitalPigeon droppings removal is most definitely a job for bird control specialists. Due to the above health risks and diseases, handling pigeon guano should be done with care. It is also important that the pigeon mess is disposed of safely in order not to contaminate any water sources. 

A professional pigeon droppings removal programme will begin with a risk assessment and a detailed plan agreed, complete with safety documentation

Once on site the pigeon waste is neutralised and dampened, with the solids being double bagged for safe disposal with appropriate documentation.

Special vacuums are utilised with particle filters to clear any remaining mess. Finally, reports will be completed, and a certificate of completion issued to the client to demonstrate the area is now safe.

It is important to remember that removal pigeon droppings is the first stage and an appropriate bird deterrent method should then be installed to avoid the pigeons returning.

Our specialists are on hand to safely remove pigeon droppings and can install a humane pigeon control method. Get in touch and talk to us about the best bird deterrents on 0333 567 2020 or book a site survey today.

Author: NBC Environment/Orkin

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