Why you need a professional for bird control

Pest birds can be a nuisance when they start to negatively impact your business or property. Their presence may not seem like much at first, but birds can cause damage or on-going issues if they are not dealt with properly. You may think bird control is an easy enough task to take on yourself, but all birds are protected by law, and you need to comply with legislation when trying to get rid of them. In this article we will look at why engaging a bird control professional is best for you, your property, and the birds.

They know the best solution for your problem

Bird control is not a one size fits all solution and often the best solution is not always obvious. If you have a pest bird problem, it's important to know what species of bird you're dealing with so that you can take appropriate steps to solve your issue. A bird control professional will be able to determine what species of bird is causing the problem and recommend the best solution.

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Laser - Bird Control

Use humane bird control methods

The problem with DIY bird control is that it's often ineffective and can potentially harm the birds. A bird control professional uses non-lethal methods to reduce bird populations. They do not harm the birds, but it does encourage them to leave your property for other areas where they can feel safe. The goal is to reduce the population of birds without causing any unnecessary harm.

Follow legal bird control measures

You need to know what's legal and what's not when it comes to controlling birds. All wild birds, their eggs and their nests are protected by law in the UK. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 states that you cannot take, destroy, or disturb any wild bird or its eggs without a licence. A bird control expert will understand all aspects of bird control, including the legal restrictions and have the correct licences in place to implement their solutions, ensuring you don't fall foul of the law.

Can save you money in the long run

One of the most important things to consider when installing a bird control method is that it will be a long-term solution. You want to make sure that what you get is going to last and protect your property for years to come - pest birds will quickly return if not. An expert will ensure all bird control methods are installed correctly and the right materials are used to withstand the environmental conditions - this will save you money in the long run.

If you need help with a bird control problem, we can help. We can provide expert advice and work with you to develop a bird hazard management plan for your business. We can carry out a free comprehensive survey with a site specific risk assessment on the method of control required whilst tailored to any budget restrictions.

Get in touch with our friendly team of pest bird control experts today or call us on 0333 567 2020.

Author: NBC Environment/Orkin

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